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Learn to Love

I read a comment that said “god literally sacrificed his only begotten son, he’s cool with abortions trust me” and something broke inside my heart.

I wasn’t angry it was stated but I was brought to grief and wept uncontrollably.

And as I continued to scroll I looked at the Olympics that had my feed torn between hateful Christians and hateful people in the world and again I wept. All I wanted to do in that moment was vent my frustrations and plead with every man to stop and just learn to love, but I knew that wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t change any heart lost in hurt and it wouldn’t soften any hardened heart to see the love of God.

“A wise son hears his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬, ‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I felt that asking others to love or see my perspective would be simple and justified. Then I realized that these people who speak with hate, often believe they are speaking with love. They believe they are doing it for the greater good. They believe they are making a righteous impact. They believe it is counteracting the hurt they once received. While this is not true and camps in the land of wickedness, it is what they have been decieved to believe.

And I just have to let them.

Sometimes you must stay quiet. You cry in the silence, speak when emboldened by the Spirit (emphasis on when), and mostly you plead with your Father for a world broken and lost. A world deceived and lost in the confusion of a tainted and wicked world. Both in the land of secularism and sadly too in the world of religion.

And for now, this is what we endure.

Now the world we have no control over what they do or say. In fact, we shouldn’t even be shocked. For my brothers and sisters, we are held to be accountable to one another. So to my brothers and my sisters, for whichever social  and political ground you land on, learn to love.

Learn to love by first knowing the love of a good and gracious Father who pours out over us. Learn to love by soaking in the presence of a King who holds all authority and wisdom. Learn to love by meditating on the words of a perfect and holy Savior.

Learn to love.

You can have every call and gifting from God, but without love your words, your actions, your talents; mean nothing before the eyes of a perfect, holy, loving Father.

Learn to love. My one heart request from you before we meet our loving, righteous Savior.

May you find comfort in the thought of meeting Him face to face when you sit long enough to realize His love.



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Two students at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Pursuing God's call and writing about the process.

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