Finding God In The Little Moments.
When I think about the things I like it’s not often that I reflect back on things from the past. But when I do, I realize how much my past really formed who I am today. And I realize that it’s the smallest phrases that take me back. And then one thought trickles in and then another, until a whole current of memories and flashbacks have flooded into my mind.
This morning someone walked up to me and told me I smelled good. Now people have told me that before, but today it felt nostalgic, and it made my heart so extremely happy. Recently I hadn’t put much thought into why I loved that specific compliment. I just knew the feeling it gave me. A warm distant feeling of comfort and love.
I forgot the catalyst of my joy because I got lost in the rush of life. But today I remembered.
You see my aunt told me I smelled good every time I saw her and like wise I told her. And the last verbal phrase I could make out from her before she passed away was “you smell good”. She had the ability to break every anxious thought I had. Ceased every sad thought I mustered up. And eased every angry tension I held. It was such a simple phrase for such a powerful control over me. And I don’t know how but it had the ability to shift everything for me.
We all have a phrase, or an object, or a sign that can change everything for us. It’s kind of strange how the human mind works. It’s complex and powerful in interacting with the objects and things around us. Our body connects with the smallest things and turns them into the largest significance. It’s intriguing that we can consciously forget, but even then our body becomes so connected that we are enamored with the things that connect us to our past love.
It’s kind of how God works. He moves without our knowledge and He’s present and affecting our mood without us even having to recognize His presence at all. We all are connected and one with Him even when we feel the most distant from Him. So take heart in knowing you carry Him in your heart and day even when you forget that His being is there. He implanted in us little pockets of joy that can be embarked upon at any moment. He knows exactly when we need it, and I believe He lines up the exact moment that stirs that little bit of joy that we will forever carry with us because of Him. Then the more we remember Him the larger that joy becomes.
We wonder how things become so complex because we forget how simple it actually is. We connect, we break, we forget, but we never stop feeling the initial spark of love that brings us to the intimate depths of our being. I’m working on appreciating the small things in the grand scheme of the really screwed up things. Because it’s the little things that seem so weird and quirky that will get you through the darkest moments of your life.
Look for the “you smell good” moments because they might just lead you back to the arms of your Father.
“Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. You will guide me with Your plan, And afterward receive me to glory.”
Psalms 73:23-24 NASB2020
