Don’t Waste Your Life.
We spend a lot of our time trying to find the perfect fix. Whether that may be to physically change something or emotionally. It may be through outward acts of convincing someone to love you. It may be to give of yourself until nothing is left to give. It may be to put up a wall and show everyone how strong you really are. It may even be to avoid it all together because there isn’t a problem if you just ignore it, right? There are many ways we can cope, and many ways we can temporarily fix things.
However, the more you look for success the more failures you will find.
Life will easily become frustrating, complicated, and disheartening. Living life down this path will ultimately become meaningless. It’ll be as if you’re walking the yellow brick road to all your greatest desires to only wind up at the stairs of the home of the one desiring to kill you.
It’ll leave your mind consumed by anxiety. Saying what do I wear? What do I say? What if they don’t like me? What if they don’t understand me? What could I have done differently?
Why am I alive?
As our thoughts run rampant we must learn to slow down.
“Slow down” a statement I have laughed at because how do we slow down when it feels like life is going so fast. How do I make my mind stop running from the voices of a man that identifies as my greatest fears? How do I make it stop?
The answer is to pause, turn around and let him smack you dead in the face. Let him stop you right in your tracks. Let him scream the fear as loud as he can. Then let yourself turn back around in surrender before a God who is mighty to save and gracious to heal.
The world will say you can’t stop or slow down because you have to make something of yourself. The truth is we are not here to create a life, but to live the one that has been gifted to us and ordained for us.
If you only look you will miss it, but if you seek the one who dwells within, then you will be pleasantly surprised to find it.
“I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4
Running away provides some sense of security. But security is a facade written by the hands of men and controlled by the attacks of the enemy. Everyday is a risk, every corner is an unknown, you wake up and at any moment it could be your last.
Don’t waste your life running from a man who can’t stand against a God who has redeemed it all.
